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Healing Through Christ

The Healing Through Christ addiction recovery program is based on the Healing Through Christ Recovery Workbook. This book is based upon a 12 step addiction recovery process, centered on the atonement of Jesus Christ.


The program was first developed in 2012 by people who had personally battled with pornography addiction and felt the need for a Christ-centered recovery approach. Although the workbook follows the 12 step addiction recovery process first developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, it differs significantly from the church's general 12 step addiction recovery lessons.


Our local support group meetings are based on reading material from the workbook, actively discussing recovery principles, and sharing personal experiences related to recovery. Each meeting lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Our local meetings are facilitated by Brother Reed Glasmann who is a kind, wise and understanding brother in the Avery Park Ward of The Corvallis Oregon Stake. 


The Healing Through Christ program includes 46 discussions. It is a year-long commitment to participate in the full program. Participants are asked to pair with a sponsor who can serve compassionately as a mentor and confidant to help with challenges and setbacks. The program treats addiction as a disease from which recovery may be realized by daily working the spiritual principles of the 12 steps and through deeper understanding of Christ's atonement. Success is based upon one's willingness to rely upon the Savior to liberate them from the captivity of addiction.

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Institute Building & Chapel (OSU Campus)

Local Healing Through Christ Support Group (Corvallis)







Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm


100 Northwest 27th St, Corvallis, OR 97330

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