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“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” 


Philippians 4:13

LEGACY 2023 will be a 4 day, 3 night outdoor high adventure activity for all our youth turning 12-18! The theme for the camp is "Linking Each Generation As Corvallis Stake Youth ~ past, present and future."


L inking

E ach

G eneration

A s

C orvallis Stake

Y outh ~  past, present and future

Directions to Camp Melakwa.jpg
Camp Melakwa Site Map 2022.jpg

A big THANK YOU to all those who are helped to make this event happen for the amazing youth in our stake!

LEGACY 2023 will be held at Camp Melakwa from July 17-20, 2023.  Camp Melakwa is a BSA scout camp located in the heart of Oregon's Cascade Mountains.  The camp has a beautiful lake and hiking trails, encompassing the participants in nature within a vibrant forest.


The youth will be camping together as “families”.  Each family will be composed of YM and YW of varying ages, backgrounds and wards.  An assigned "Ma & Pa" will lead and mentor each family group as they engage in a variety of activities and participate in well planned experiences. The Ma's & Pa's will also watch over and care for the youth while they rest in their campsite at night.


The goals and purpose for this activity include:

  • Provide a safe, fun, meaningful experience for the youth in the Corvallis Stake removed from worldly distractions.

  • Create a gospel centered environment and activity which includes outdoor activities, devotionals, firesides, family time and personal reflection based on the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • PAST: Generations:  Help the youth to recognize and appreciate the legacy of those who have come before them – including their own family history as well as pioneer ancestors whose lives and sacrifices bless us today. 

  • PRESENT:  Help the youth to realize their part in their own legacy and the effects of their daily choices.  They are the first link in their legacy.

  • FUTURE:  Help the youth to understand the impacts that they will have on generations to come.  Those who come after will look to their example.

  • Strengthen stake youth unity.

  • Reinforce habits such as prayer, scripture study and striving to develop Christlike attributes.

  • Strengthen understanding that all who come unto Christ will be divinely led and supported through the challenges of life.  Reinforce “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  (Phillipians 4:13 – 2023 Youth Theme)


Key Notes, Requests & Reminders:

  • Arrival time for the youth is 8:30am on Monday, July 17, 2023 at the stake center.

  • All participants should bring an accessible sack lunch, sturdy water bottle, and portable camp chair along with all other packing list items prior to departure.​

  • Please click on the link to the left for the packing list. Ward leaders, please help families collect and/or borrow camping items for those that do not have their own camping gear.

  • The youth and adults will often need to carry their camp chair throughout the event. We recommend that each participant bring a carrying case or shoulder strap to make that easier.

  • Bring clothing appropriate for camping in the mountains.  Bring sunscreen and bug repellant.

  • LEGACY NAME: We have asked each participant to bring the name of someone whose legacy has affected them.  It may be someone in their family or family history, a pioneer, a hero from the scriptures, someone who has impacted their life because of the choices they made, etc.  We would like each youth to have the opportunity to share a story about their "LEGACY Name" with their LEGACY family and explain why they chose that person. They will have a chance to share the story during down time on Tue/Wed or during family reflection time in the evening. 

    • The goal is to demonstrate that we are blessed by the choices and influence of others.  It is also intended to give every person a chance to talk and share with their family. 

    • Each youth will get to make a wristband bearing the name of that individual. 

    • Attending adults, please bring your own LEGACY NAME to also participate in this activity.

Messages from our missionaries for LEGACY 2023

Photo & Video montage of LEGACY 2023

Camp Melakwa

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