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Stake News, Events & Activities

​Regularly Scheduled:


Calendared Stake Events:

  • Portland Temple Closure(s): April 29 - June 17, 2024 ~ click here for more details

  • Youth Game Show Night: May 22, 7pm to 8:30pm. All youth and leaders are invited. This should replace your weeknight activity. Please arrange carpooling with your ward. 

  • Practical Life Planning for Success: There will be a Special Stake Fireside for all Adults on Sunday June 2nd at 6PM at the Philomath chapel. The Fireside will focus on practical life preparation and planning with an emphasis on preparing our youth.   The Stake Presidency invites all adults to attend.

  • Train Dance: June 15, 2024. Age 16 & up. More info to come. 

  • YW Camp: July 1-4, 2024 at Camp Alpine ~ click here for details

  • Annual Stake Day of Service: Saturday, September 7, 2024 from 9am to noon. In Waldport

  • Post FSY Activity - Youth Day at the beach: Saturday, September, 7 2024 after the service project for the rest of the day followed by a youth dance.

  • Stake Conference held at the stake center

    • ​Saturday September 14, 2024

      • Leadership Session: 4:00 to 5:30pm ~ all ward and stake council attendees are invited

      • Adult Session: 6:00 to 7:30pm

    • Sunday, September 15, 2024​​

      • ​​General Session at 10:00am​ to 12:00pm

  • Corvallis Light The World: Saturday & Sunday, December 7-8, 2024 - details will be updated on the website as they become available


2024 Churchwide Broadcasts:

  • May 5: Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults

  • October 5–6: October 2024 General Conference

  • October 27: Worldwide Event for Youth

  • November 3: Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults

  • December 8: First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional

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