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“I am a disciple of Jesus Christ"

Young Men

Welcome to the Young Men organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a young man you will learn how to teach, serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day. When Jesus was a young man “He grew in wisdom and stature...and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52) and you can too.


Did you know that the Lord has a purpose for you?


It’s true. President Russell M. Nelson said: “The Lord has more in mind for you than you have in mind for yourself! You have been reserved and preserved for this time and place. …The Lord needs you to change the world. As you accept and follow His will for you, you will find yourself accomplishing the impossible!” As the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum theme says, “I am a beloved son of God and He has a work for me to do.”


You can help with the Lord’s work by receiving the Aaronic Priesthood.


When you are ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood you will have authority to serve others beginning in your own home. You can also prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament and perform baptisms. As called, you can serve as a quorum president who holds keys and in other leadership opportunities. (see D&C 107:13–14, 20). You will counsel regularly with young women.  Aaronic Priesthood holders strive to live the standards outlined in For the Strength of Youth .


An Aaronic Priesthood Quorum is a group of young men who hold the same priesthood office. Generally, wards or branches have a deacon’s quorum, teacher’s quorum, and priest’s quorum.

The Aaronic priesthood is led by your bishop or branch president and his counselors. They call members of each quorum to be president, counselors, and secretaries. At some point, you may be assigned to serve in one of your quorum presidencies. You can find quorum presidency leadership resources here.

Every other Sunday you will meet with your priesthood quorum to counsel together and learn the gospel. You may be asked ahead of time to prepare and teach lessons. Your leaders will support you.


Youth Activities


During the week Young Men and their leaders meet for youth activities. With your help, these activities will be engaging, fun, spiritually uplifting, and friendship building. Occasionally, you’ll also have a combined activity with members of the Young Women organization.


You may also participate in youth conferences, annual camps, and For the Strength of Youth conferences every other year.

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President Wade Haslam
Contact him here:

Thanks for submitting!

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Young Men Theme


I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home.


As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel.


I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.


I will help prepare the world for the Savior’s return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.

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